Evening all, in case you never saw it I had a little wobble yesterday on fb about 2 posts that I published, one was about 2 Brits getting fined in spain which has now reached almost 400,00 and the other one was the video which had over 60 shares. Anyway this is what we are waiting for to happen at the moment. We have applied to two major businesses for sponsorship and if we manage to get at least one of these it will be fantastic. The website is in the hands of a professional who will be revamping it very soon. I'm awaiting a reply hopefully by saturday from one of our sponsors to see if she manages to write a charity song for us. I've had to reapply to face ache to become registered as a charity to recieve donations. I've applied to bfbs for their free advertising service and this will hopefully be going live within the next two weeks. I'm still waiting for answer back from the Milton Keynes Bowl which is where we want to hold our first annual fund raising challenge for next year. The Video I did the other day with Veterans TV for those that watched it, well I've made them an offer and awaiting feedback from this as well. Meanwhile still trying to run the facebook page, instagram, twitter and this group. This is why I dont have time to do any research for all the county groups and I'm relying on all of you to do the research for me so all I have to do is add them to the VETNET. We also only have 10 months left to organise our fund raising event, The Veterans shield Challenge. So yea I'm keeping busy and need some help
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Just seen, I will help also whenever I can x